TAMRON Lens Utility

Настройте свой объектив TAMRON для максимальной эффективности работы и максимального удовольствия от процесса съемки!

TAMRON Lens Utility™ - это специальное программное обеспечение, с помощью которого можно настраивать функции и обновлять прошивку объективов TAMRON, оснащенных требуемым разъемом (USB Type-C) для подключения объектива к компьютеру.

The software is scheduled for release at the end of October

Скачать TAMRON Lens Utility™

This software is for computers only.
Please download and install it to a computer.


Список функций

Что вы можете делать с помощью программного обеспечения TAMRON Lens Utility

A-B Focus

Позволяет плавно и легко переключать фокус с одного объекта на другой

A-B Focus Позволяет плавно и легко переключать фокус с одного объекта на другойThis function allows you to shift focus at a preset speed, as is frequently done when recording video. Get exactly the kind of visual expression you want, for example, by slowly shifting the focus from a distant subject to one closer to you, or by guiding the gaze of the person viewing the video. Use the Focus Set Button to record two preset focal points in advance. Afterwards, a simple press on the Focus Set Button allows you to shoot while moving focus automatically and at a set speed; you don't have to worry about the speed blur associated with manual focus, and you can achieve stable visual expression. Click for more information >

Focus Preset

Позволяет переместить фокус на предварительно отмеченную точку фокусировки одним нажатием

Focus PresetПозволяет переместить фокус на предварительно отмеченную точку фокусировки одним нажатиемThis function allows you to preset focal points, for example, to deliberately defocus a subject during a video transition or to access a focal point for night photography. You can set the focus movement speed when recording video. You can also set focus on a preset focal point at maximum speed with a single press when taking still photographs. This feature broadens the range of your visual expression. Click for more information >

Focus Ring Function Setting

Упрощает ручную фокусировку

Focus Ring Function SettingУпрощает ручную фокусировку[MF Method]
This function adjusts focus movement when using manual focus. You can choose between "Non-linear," where the amount of focal point movement changes based on how fast you rotate the focus ring, and "Linear," where the focal point moves based on how much you rotate the focus ring. Some lenses allow users to adjust rotation as well, to offer more personalization.
Click for more information > [MF Ring Rotation]
This function changes the direction the focus ring rotates during manual focus. Click for more information >

Select AF/MF

Переключение между автофокусом и ручной фокусировкой

Select AF/MFПереключение между автофокусом и ручной фокусировкойThis function switches between AF and MF using the Focus Set Button on lenses that lack an AF/MF switch. This makes operation easier when shooting scenes that require frequent use of AF/MF switching. Click for more information >

Другие функции

Ring Function (Focus/Aperture) / Assign Function from the Camera

Другие функции: Ring Function (Focus/Aperture) Switch function from focus adjustment to aperture adjustment This changes the Focus Ring Function from focus adjustment to aperture adjustment using the Focus Set Button.
Click for more information > Assign Function from the Camera Functions of the camera body can be assigned to the Focus Set Button This reassigns the Focus Set Button to activate the function that you assign to it via the camera body.
Click for more information >

Обновление прошивки

Обновите объектив до последней версии прошивки

Обновление прошивкиОбновите объектив до последней версии прошивкиYou can update the firmware of the lens to the latest version by yourself.

* Please note that lens firmware cannot be updated via the camera. All firmware updates, for lenses that have a Connector Port, are available via this software only. Click for TAMRON Lens Utility Compatible Lens List >

The software is scheduled for release at the end of October

Скачать TAMRON Lens Utility™

This software is for computers only.
Please download and install it to a computer.
